Thursday 18 December 2014

Pan Fried Fish with Butter, Garlic and Lemon Sauce

Love this taste ... butter, garlic and lemon are great combination. The garlic infused butter taste superb.

Garlic, minced
Lemon juice to taste
Salt & pepper to taste


1) Season fish with salt and pepper to taste.
2) Pan fry fish till cooked to whatever texture you prefer. My girls like it crispy. You can steam the fish too instead of pan-fry. Dish out and set aside.
3) Melt butter and fry garlic with butter till slightly brown in low heat. 
4) Pour the garlic infused butter onto the fish while it is hot. And squeeze lemon juice onto fish.
5) Serve hot ... Love the garlic infused butter taste.

Monday 1 December 2014

Homemade Muah Chee in 10 Minutes

This is such a simple snack to make, no one should ever need to buy this again!

120gm glutinous rice flour

180gm water
2 tablespoon oil (I used 1 tablespoon canola oil, 1 tablespoon sesame oil)

150gm grounded peanut/castor sugar mix (sugar to your own taste)


1) Mix glutinous rice flour, water and oil in a microwaveable bowl until it became watery paste.

2) Microwave the watery paste at "high" for 3.5 minutes. By now you would have the thick white sticky paste.

3) Scoop out the thick paste, put into the peanut mix, use kitchen scissor to cut the paste into bite size.

4) Coat the paste with more peanuts and serve.


1) The amount here makes about 3-4 packets sold outside, which is too much for 4 of us. I would half the ingredient next time.

2) Have to eat fresh. Glutinous rice paste turned a bit harder after a few hours.

*I have adapted this from a fellow blogger site but I forgot to keep the link. If you found that this is similar to yours, then yes it probably is yours and I thank you for sharing your recipe! Please do email me so I could add a link to refer back to your site.