Wednesday 4 February 2015

ABC Porridge

Pot full of nutrition! Best for children ...


3/4 cup of rice grain, washed
2L water
1 large potato
1 large yellow onion (I have used 2 small red onion coz I don't have yellow onion)
2 medium carrot
2 medium tomato (I omitted tomato this time also because I ran out of tomato. But it taste better with tomato)
100 gm minced meat (Since this is for my children, I used minced meat. Can be replaced with sliced meat or meat balls if you prefer. Also can use thread fin fish paste, even more delicious)

Salt to taste
White pepper powder to taste (this is optional)


1) Start by boiling rice grain with water.
2) While waiting for the water to boiled, start cutting up the ingredients. I usually diced all until kids can almost swallow without the need to chewing it.

* Carrot, potato, tomato and onion served as the base of this porridge. You can basically add more vegetable like diced celery or other greens according to your own liking.

3) When water with rice is bubbling, add all diced ingredient in. Let it bubble for about another 5 minutes. Then turn heat to medium and let it simmer for another 30 minutes. 

If your pot is deep enough, you can simmer with lid on but leave the lid slightly open to prevent over-spill. Simmer with lid on also prevent it from drying too much and porridge become too thick and sticky. Remember to stir it every 10 minutes, otherwise the porridge would stick to the bottom of the pot.

4) Now prepare the minced meat. Marinate it with a bit of salt.

5) 10 minutes before the porridge is done, add in minced meat and stir to breakup the minced meat. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir and continue to simmer for the last 10 minutes.

6) When done, serve as it is and your children will be eating a bowl full of nutrition :)


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