Tuesday 19 May 2015

Sweet Milk Bun

I am a lazy bum so I knead using my kitchen machine with the dough hook. And instead of sprinkling flour on top I used icing sugar instead. Although it uses condensed milk but the end result is not sweet at all. The icing sugar on top give it a little sweet taste so the bun can be eaten as it is.

The air-fryer seems to produce prettier looking buns ... :)

Baked using my Philip Air Fryer @ 140 degree Celsius for about 20 minutes

Baked using my convection oven @ 150 degree Celsius for first 10 minutes, 120 degree Celsius for another 10-15 minute

Baked with Philip Air Fryer @ 140 degree Celsius for 20 minutes (may reduce to 15-18 minutes for lighter shade of brown). This one no icing sugar on top but with chicken floss filling. 


150gm fresh milk
20g condensed milk
3/4 tsp instant yeast

225g bread flour
25g top flour/cake flour
40g castor sugar
25g beaten egg
1/4 salt
30g unsalted butter

Some icing sugar to sprinkle on top


1) Mix fresh milk and condensed milk. If fresh milk is cold from fridge, microwave fresh milk on high for 10sec. Repeat the 10sec 2-3 times. The milk should be just a little warmer than room temperature (too hot will kill the yeast).

2) Sprinkle yeast on milk mixture (do not stir). Cover and let it rest for 15 minutes. You will see the mixture foamed up at the end of 15 minutes.

3) Mix all dry ingredient together in the mixing bowl. Pour in the foamed up yeast mixture and the beaten egg in. Use a wooden chopstick stir everything together until all are incorporated. Set aside for 10 minutes.

4) Then use the kitchen machine with a dough hook, knead at speed 2 until the dough become smooth. About 10 minutes.

5) Then rub in the butter. Continue to knead till the dough reach the "window pane" stage (this is when you stretch the dough it becomes so thin that you can almost see through it without breaking). It took my machine total about 18 minutes. I alternate speed 2 and speed 3 for 5 minutes each, with a one minute rest when alternating the speed. This was because kneading bread dough is quite heavy duty and I don't want my kitchen machine to break down.

6) Shape and smooth out the dough surface. Transfer the dough to a lightly oiled bowl. Cover and proof for 1 hour, until it is double in size.

7) Sprinkle some flour on top of the dough and the worktop. Move dough to the work top. Punch down the dough to release trapped air.

8) Divide dough into 8 equal portions (or according to size you want). Roll and smooth each dough and put it on a baking tray. In my case I put some in individual baking cup.

9) Cover and proof for another 45 minutes in the closed microwave (do not turn on the microwave).

10) Sprinkle icing sugar on top. Then bake it ...

To make chicken floss buns 

11) After step 8, roll out each dough, fill in chicken floss, wrap and close the seam by pinching it. Put the bun on baking tray, seam side down.

12) Cover and proof for another 45 minutes in the closed microwave (do not turn on the microwave).

13) Bake in Philips Air Fryer @ 140 degree Celsius for 15-18 minutes. Or in preheated convection oven @ 140 degree Celsius for 15-18 minutes. Can brush egg wash on dough before baking for shiny buns.

Recipe adapted from My Mind Patch.

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