Saturday 18 October 2014

Mini Sausage Bun

又来啦 ... made with bread flour this time and texture is better than with plain flour. All finished by the kids during teatime. 
Can be done in about an hour, including the proofing time

My nth batch of sausage bun =)

Makes 10 small buns

125gm bread flour (plain flour also can)

13gm cake flour
8gm instant dry yeast
8gm milk powder
20gm caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
50ml warm water (microwave High for 10 seconds)
40ml warm milk (microwave High for 10 seconds)
20gm butter, softened at room temperature
Whisked egg & some milk, for egg wash

1) In mixer bowl, combine water, milk, yeast and sugar and allow it to rest for 15 minutes. It will become frothy on top and watery below the froth.

2) Using dough hook, mix in the bread flour, cake flour, milk powder, and salt to the rested yeast mixture. Knead until ingredients are incorporated. About 3 minutes.

3) Add in butter, continue to knead until dough is soft and smooth. About 10 minutes. The dough will still be a little sticky.

4) Oil hands and divide dough equally to 10 balls. Flatten the dough ball and wrap the sausage.

5) Place the dough with wrapped sausage on baking pan. Let it rest for 10 minutes.

6) Glaze with egg wash.

7) Bake in preheated oven at 160 degree C for 15-20 minutes. I put a layer of aluminium foil between the oven and the top of the buns so that it doesn't burn too quickly before the bun is done baking. My oven always act up on me and it has very uneven temperature ... LOL

I find the fast method used too much yeast for my liking. So I have combined another recipe so that I could make a more buttery bun with the least time required.

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