Wednesday 15 October 2014


When I am too lazy or too busy to cook, this will be served. Cook pasta in boiling water, add the pasta sauce and voila dinner is ready. Sometimes I would add some steamed sausages and french bean just to make it not so plain.

I don't really like it because the pasta sauce is store-bought. All store-bought would have some amount of preservative. But girls love this dish, even when it is just plain macaroni and the sauce. Guess all kids love "fast food" ... 
Sometimes I fold in shredded cheese just before I dish out to serve.

200g Elbow macaroni (or any amount you want to make on the day)
2 sausages, cut into small pieces
Some french beans, washed and also cut into small pieces
Store bought pasta sauce
1 tablespoon brown sugar


1) Boil a pot of water till bubbling. Then add generous amount of salt into water.
2) Add in macaroni and cook according to the packet timing instruction. 
3) While macaroni is cooking, steam or stir-fry the cut sausages and french beans.
4) When macaroni is cooked, drained. Then add in sausages and french beans.
5) Add in pasta sauce & sugar. Sauce amount according to your liking. My kids like it slightly less sauce.
6) Dish out and serve.

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