Wednesday 28 January 2015

Baked Chicken Parcel

Got this recipe from a very good friend when I first started cooking. Need fresh chicken leg. The fresher the chicken, the better the sauce will be. Simple ingredients and less than 10 minutes to prepare.

Sauce is delicious! Chicken meat should not dried up like this if skin is on.
The wrapped parcel. Can prepare ahead and keep in  fridge. Bring out and bake one hour before meal time because it takes about 40-50 minutes to bake.

1 fresh chicken leg. I removed skin but it would taste juicier and look nicer with skin on.
Potatoe, sliced
Onion, sliced
Bunashimeji mushroom
Salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil
Aluminium foil large enough to wrap all the ingredients

* Amount of potatoe, onion and mushrooms are according to individual preference. I put more onion because it makes the sauce sweet and tastier.


1) Arrange potatoes on the foil as the bottom layer.
2) Then put onions and mushrooms on top of the potatoes.
3) Pour 2 tsp olive oil all over the potatoes, onion and mushrooms. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste.
4) Place chicken leg on top. Sprinkle a little more salt, pepper and olive oil on the chicken.
5) Fold the sides of the foil over the ingredients to form a parcel (everything should be wrapped in the foil).
6) Arrange the parcel on a baking pan. Bake at 180 degree celsius for about 40-50 minutes. Larger chicken takes longer time.

* Each parcel serves 1 person.
** I am using a convection oven.

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