Thursday 29 January 2015

Working As Stay-At-Home-Mom VS Working In Corporate

Yes, I'm a stay-at-home-mom.
Go ahead and ask me what
I do all day long. I dare you.
Solely from the perspective of a SAHM ... that's yours truly =)

On relationship with bosses

Corporate: Friends. Some even very close friends, lunch or drinking kaki.

SAHM: Knows them since they were born. It’s their flesh and blood.

On appraisal review

Corporate boss: You have done well in this KPI, but you still need to improve on this this and this and also go the extra mile before I will even CONSIDER giving you an increment.

SAHM’s boss: Mom, I don’t like this dish you cook today. But it’s ok mom, I still love you.

On reward

Corporate boss: Reward? What reward? You get paid to do your job and do it well!

SAHM’s boss: Hugs and kisses everyday (usually bear hugs).

On job security

Corporate boss: Company is restructuring. There is a voluntary separation scheme and I have volunteered you.

SAHM’s boss: I can’t live without you, mom.

On importance of KPI

Corporate: My KPIs is to achieve 5mil revenue. Your KPIs are so easy. Only need to cook, do house chores and look after kids.

SAHM: If you don’t achieve your KPI, the company won’t die. If I don’t achieve my KPI my children may get hurt/sick/suffer. Or grew up becoming a useless person. By the way, the 5mil doesn't go into your wallet you know ... 

On importance of role

Corporate: I work till 10pm every night and I still have 20 days annual leaves that needs to be cleared.

SAHM: I work 24x7, 365 days a year ... with no annual leaves.

On taking leaves

Corporate: I can’t take leave. I have this important project going on. Your schedule is very flexible, can take leave anytime.

SAHM: Your project can be taken over by anyone if need be. My children cannot be taken over by anyone else.

At the end of each day

SAHM: Go to bed with their boss(es) every night feeling grateful that they are well taken care of.

Corporate: Go to sleep at night (not with your bosses please) thinking how to settle tomorrow’s battle in the office.

Share if you like or agree :) 

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