Wednesday 13 August 2014

Chicken Floss Butter Bun

This was a premium when I was a little girl. It was too expensive to afford. I remember the chicken floss filling those time were abundant. Nowadays I wouldn't even want to buy it from those expensive bakery because the filling is just pathetic! Oh and they put the chicken floss on top of the bun instead of stuffing it inside! Why did they do that? Because it's easier to mass produce? I seriously have issue with them putting it on top ... LOL ... I like the chicken floss IN the bun, not on top of it.

Never had I imagined I will be able to make this bun myself ... I am proud of myself ... haha
The bun looks odd in shape because I did not let the dough balls proof in a proper size baking pan. So it went out of shape when it rise

Makes 10-12 small buns

125gm bread flour (plain flour also can)

13gm cake flour
8gm instant dry yeast
8gm milk powder
20gm caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
50ml water, about 36C/97F
40ml milk, about 36C/97F (or omit water and use 90ml milk)
20gm butter, softened at room temperature
whisked egg, for egg wash


1) In mixer bowl, combine water, milk, yeast and sugar and allow it to rest for 15 minutes.

2) Using dough hook, mix in the bread flour, cake flour, milk powder, and salt. Knead until ingredients are incorporated.

3) Add in butter, continue to knead until dough is soft and smooth. About 5-8 minutes. The dough will still be a little sticky.

4) Oil hands and divide dough equally to 10-12 balls. Shape into balls with smooth top and fold the bottom together. Or flatten the dough, put chicken floss on the dough, then wrap it up and seal the seam properly.

5) Place the dough balls in a baking pan. Let it rest for 10 minutes.

6) Glaze with egg wash.

7) Bake in preheated oven at 160 degree C for 15-20 minutes. Original recipe uses higher temperature. My oven is slightly hot so the top was burnt before it was done. So at 160 degree C the bun came out just nice.

I have used the following 2 recipes so that I could make the butter buns using the fast method.

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