Thursday 21 August 2014

Steamed Cod Fish in Bean Paste and Ginger

Frozen cod fish. So I have to get rid of the fishy smell before steaming it. And because I am still worried of the fishy smell, I decided to make a stronger base for it. Ginger, chilli, onion, bean paste ... all the ingredients with strong taste had been used ... LOL . If the fish still "smell", at least the ginger and bean paste can cover smell ...


2 pieces of cod fish fillet
Some salt to rub onto the fish
Some corn flour to rub onto the fish

1 tablespoon crushed bean paste
2 tablespoon minced ginger
1 small red chilly, sliced thinly
2 shallots (or 1 small red onion), chopped
1 tablespoon soya sauce
2 tablespoon oil 


1. Give fish a milk bath one hour before cooking. 
2. Clean fish, pat dry. Rub salt on the fish, and then pat some corn flour on it.
3. Place some ginger on a steaming dish, place fish on top.
4. Put fermented bean paste on top of the fish just like spreading peanut butter on bread, generously. Sprinkle sugar on top.
5. Add the rest of the ginger and also sliced chilly on top of the bean paste.
6. Bring water in the steamer to a boil and steam fish over high heat for 8-10 minutes. 
7. While the fish is steaming half way, heat oil and brown the onion. 
8. Add soy sauce to the onion and bring to boil.
9. When fish is done, remove fish from the steamer, pour away excess steaming liquid.
10. Drizzle hot onion oil and soy sauce mixture over, and serve immediately.

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