Friday 6 February 2015

Mexican Bun aka Roti Boy

Back in 2001 when I first started my 10 long years service with Maxis, one little bakery near my office in Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) started selling this bun with butter filling and crunchy coffee topping. It was so delicious that the queue to buy this bun was always so long during lunch time, and everyone would be buying at least 5 or 10 buns each. There was a time when they had to limit the number each customer can buy. I must say the bun was really delicious.

They started selling at around RM1 each (I don't quite remember exactly the original price). And each year they increased their price and they managed to make so much that they have since moved from the little shop in one of the low end commercial centre to inside the high end KLCC shopping centre. One year ago when I was back in KLCC, they were selling the bun at RM3 if I remembered correctly, but the quality of the bun was not as good anymore.

Again I find it expensive to pay RM3 for a bun, I want to see if I can make it myself. And of course Google came to help ... LOL. Found the recipe but I only use the filling and the coffee topping because I want to use my own quick bun recipe. The bun came out so good I should have eaten everything right out of oven! Unfortunately I did not and the coffee topping that is supposed to be crunchy turned soggy the next day.
Excuse the look as it was my first attempt, and I was never good at "art" =P ... The overall taste was great but it should be eaten hot off the oven as the coffee topping turned soggy when left overnight.

Seal the seam tightly after add the butter filling to prevent leaking. Can put the bun into individual baking cup if necessary.

The Bun

1) Use Mini Sausage Bun recipe. 
2) Replace the sausage with butter filling. 
3) Pipe the coffee topping onto the bun right before putting into oven.

Butter Filling
100g butter, softened
1/2 tsp vanilla paste
30g caster sugar

*Beat everything together and chill in the fridge. Divide into 10 equal portions.

Coffee Topping
50g butter, softened
40g icing sugar
1/2 an egg
1 tsp coffee granules mixed with 1 tsp hot water
50g plain flour

1) Beat butter and icing sugar until combine. Gradually add in beaten egg and coffee.
2) Fold in flour.
3) Fill a piping bag with the mixture and set aside.

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