Monday 9 February 2015

Fried Yam "Nian Gao"

When I was buying the ingredient then only I realised the cost of buying ready-made "nian gao" and the yam are quite expensive. Making your own "nian gao" is much cheaper but I am all about speed in the kitchen! Making the "nian gao', especially good one takes time. No, I am not gonna make it myself but I still want to fry it, just to prove that I can ... LOL. So I went ahead and bought the ready-made ones.

Not the best of look because I was rushing to get it done but it taste good!


1 block of "nian gao", sliced
1 yam, sliced (I sandwich each "nian gao" with 2 slices of yam. So make sure the size who the whole yam is enough for the amount of "nian gao" you have) 

Batter for Fritter

1/2 cup plain flour
1/4 corn flour
1 tbsp rice flour
A pinch of salt
90ml ice cold water
Cooking oil for frying


1) Prepare the batter by mixing all dry ingredient together.

2) Pour in ice cold water slowly into the dry ingredient while stirring. Stop adding water when the batter is not runny, but not too thick as well. The batter must be able to stick to the surface of the yam when you transfer the sandwich from the batter to the pan.

3) Heat oil in pan until it is slightly smoking. I used the pan fried method therefore there is no need to use too much oil.

If you are not in a rush and have enough batter, soak the sandwich in the batter for about  5 minutes before putting into the hot oil.

4) Now sandwich the "nian gao" with 2 slices of yam on either side. Dip the sandwich into the batter with enough batter. Then transfer it into the hot oil. Fry each side until it is golden brown and become crispy.

5) Remove sandwich from oil when done and place it onto kitchen towel to soak up excess oil.

* Do not crowd the pan with too many of the sandwich as the "nian gao" will stick together when it is soften in the heat.

** Did some research and found out that to make the fitter crispy, we must use ice-cold water and rice flour.

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