Tuesday 10 February 2015

Sweet Sour Sauce with Pan Fried Fish

Anyone knows what the name of this fish in English? Really appreciate if you can leave a comment  and let me know ... TQVM!


Fish, of course ... :)
Salt, to season the fish
2 tbsp oil

2 medium red onion
3 tbsp tomato sauce
3 tsp brown sugar
1-2 tsp vinegar (I used rice vinegar. Different vinegar might have different level of sourness, so do taste and adjust while mixing the sauce)
1/2 cup water
2 tbsp oil


1) Wash and pat dry fish with kitchen towel. Season with salt.

2) Heat oil in pan. When oil is hot enough, put fish onto oil slowly. Once the fish hit the pan, do not move it anymore. Let it fry until the fish can be moved easily in the pan. I won't say exactly how many minutes because it really depends on how hot and how big is the fish. Use the ladle or tong to gently move the fish. If fish can be moved without having to "pry" it up, then flip it and fry the other side. Once done, set aside.

3) While the fish is frying, cut onion half. Then slice it and set aside.

4) Mix the rest of the sauce ingredient and stir well.

5) Heat oil again, add in onion and let it cook on low heat till soft and transparent. Do not burn the onion otherwise the sauce would taste a little bitter.

6) When onion has turned soft and transparent, pour in the sauce mixture and let it simmer for about 2 minutes. Dish out and pour onto the fish. The girls used the extra sauce on the rice ... delicious!

Yeah! The girls love this dish :)

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